Introduction To ISP

Our Mission

20:08 Engr. Irslan Haider 1 Comments

  ISP is committed to provide intellectually rich, collaborative, and intimate learning environment for students, faculty, and staff, while serving it. It has a mission to be of international standings to shine and excel the personality of their students by inculcating in them the sense of responsibility, confidence, commitment and dedication towards their profession, society and nation. We are enthusiastic to produce quality professionals, well skilled scholars in all areas of education particularly in modern and emerging sciences for the services of the humanity. The Institution has adopted a policy for the achievement of its manifesto.

  • Giving prominence and importance to scientific knowledge
  • Implementing said policy at all levels through training
  • Strictly relying on an intensive training program
  • Having firm belief that success can be measured only by the continuing satisfaction of students and parents
  • The main mission of ISP is the maintenance, advancement and dissemination of knowledge by teaching, consultancy and research.
  • To be a center of excellence in the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom in the service of inhabitants of this region
  • To enhance the capability to lead free and worthwhile lives
  • To provide the foundation for the people of this belt to be proud of their heritage & take pride in creating their future, the heritage for the next generation
  • To be an active partner in the social, economic and political development of this region
  • To foster attention on commitment to service
  • To promote the status of the Institute as an institution of higher learning
  • To develop knowledge, skills and values that will benefit all levels of society
  • To encourage innovation and creativity and contribution to the development of the knowledge economy
  • To encourage high academic & professional standards and quality education
  • To apply principles of access and equal opportunity
  • To build capacity in science and technology

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